

It’s in the handshakes. It’s in the smiles. It’s the way we look you in the eye. The core of our work is honesty and an unwavering commitment to maintaining your best interests. Our work encompasses many things, but you can always find those core principles in everything we do.

Services provided by Koa Consulting are:

  • National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) & California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) environmental planning & compliance.

  • Peer Review of Engineering and Environmental Documents Studies.

  • Noise & Vibration Planning and Mitigation.

  • Funding Strategies, Grant Applications & Value Engineering.

  • Urban Greening, Livability & Visioning Planning.

  • Drainage, Stormwater Quality and Reclamation Planning & Design.

  • Transportation Planning , Traffic Design & Mitigation.

  • Roadway and Highway Design.

  • Active Transportation - Bike & Trail Studies and Designs.

  • Rail Design (Track & Electrification).

  • Station Area Planning & Design.

  • Security & Emergency Planning & Design.

  • Utility Identification & Coordination.

Featured Project

Project: Shoemaker Bridge Replacement

Schedule: 2014-present
Description: Program Manager responsible for preliminary engineering, environ-mental documents, and final design for the alternatives analysis, technical studies, and coordination required to develop a Project Report and Environmental Document for the new
SR-710/Shoemaker Interchange. Providing the planning, engineering, and environmental sciences required to develop alternatives and supporting documents acceptable to Caltrans and FHWA. Tasks also included the coordination with adjacent planned projects; stakeholder meetings; attend staff level meetings with City staff, public officials, and community leaders.
Technical Environment: Street Design; Stormwater & Drainage; Bridges and Structures; Water Quality; Peer Review; Grant/Funding

KOA Consulting
KOA Consulting